It's just been a little crazy the past few days, I was sick and all that fun stuff. But I'm back now, so hopefully I won't go weeks+ without posting again. :)
So yesterday afternoon I looked out the window and everything was pink. It sounds weird and it's hard to explain but it was like the lighting in an older movie or the way they sometimes show flashbacks where everything's tinted. I'd never seen anything like it before, it was actually kind of surreal.
And this last one isn't the same sunset but I was looking through my pics and I think this is a sunrise from back in February... I thought the clouds looked cool. :D
Thanks for reading!
Kaylla | August 3, 2010 at 1:03 PM
BEAUTIFUL! Have fun at camp!
Celtic Ninja | August 9, 2010 at 3:28 PM
oooh...pretty...I like!